12:10Lets start with the basics shall we? I'm Lara, im 18 years old. I was born and bred in Surrey England, but i have recently made a substantially big move to Madrid, Spain to study out here for a year. Now this isn't the first time i've made a blog, i have another one but at the time a made it, it was solely a way that i could vent about everything going on in my life, but no worries i assure you this blog will be nothing of the sort.
I have big plans for this blog. Like a lot of girls out in there in the world i am pretty much obsessed with all things beauty, and im constantly watching all my favorite beauty gurus on YouTube. As corny as it sounds these girls are pretty much the reason i wanted to start thing blog, i was originally planning to start a youtube account, but i thought that this would be a better start.
So this blog will be all about beauty, and im not just talking the makeup and all that glamourous stuff, im talking just about everything that makes us/me feel beautiful; everything from high end makeup too i don't know braces and stuff like that. Now im not one to hold back so be prepared to get total complete honesty on this blog weather you like it or not.
The first proper post should be up within the next few days. Oh and, if you're reading this well one, i like you already and two, keep an eye out, hopefully you'll like what you read.
Lara x